What are my responsibilities as a Foster Carer?
Responsibilities include but are not limited to providing basic care i.e. feeding, cleaning up after, grooming, training etc as well as socialising, interacting with and exercising your foster animal(s). You may be asked to transport your Foster Animal to vet appointments and Meet & Greets. Clear communication with the Coordinator is vital and from time to time there may be basic paperwork to be completed.
How long will I need to care for my foster animal?
Each placement is different and dependant on the reason why the animal requires foster care in the first place. Some animals are very timid and need to learn how to trust humans again. Others may need rehabilitation or are too young to be adopted whilst others are available for adoption and just waiting to find the perfect family.
Are there any Financial Obligations?
Happy Paws covers all Veterinary costs and Flea and Worm Treatment. If there are donations available, food and kitty litter will be provided however this is reliant on donations received from the public.
What do I need to supply?
If you would like to supply your own Food and Kitty Litter please feel free to do so. Any donations we receive is split evenly amongst foster carers however this is reliant on the generosity of the public.
You should own your own cat carrier if fostering cats/kittens and a seatbelt, crate or appropriate equipment to safely transport puppies/dogs. We also ask that you supply your own kitty litter tray (if applicable).
Beds, blankets, jackets, toys, bowls etc can be borrowed from Happy Paws but must be returned when the foster animal is adopted.
What happens if my foster animal becomes sick?
Immediately contact the Coordinator and depending on the problem the animal is to be taken to our nominated veterinary clinic. We do not reimburse costs for unapproved veterinary treatment or visits to clinics that we do not work with.
Can I adopt the animal I am fostering?
Fostering is a great way to get to know a pet and if you fall in love while fostering the adoption process is open to you.