Happy Home Updates
Jinx is now about 6 months old and still as chaotic as ever! Most mornings are spent listening to him charge from one end of the house to the other cooing like crazy! He also will climb everything and anything that stands steady enough for him - including people! He's a massively snuggling baby too, and he has two very distinct meows - feed me! and pet me! He immediately got along with every other cat in the house, and spends much of his time either playing with his big sister, or cuddling up to my partner and I!
It’s been one whole year since we adopted this wonderful little guy from you guys, can you believe it, a whole year! He has grown so much but he is still the sweetest, most gentle boy. My 2 year old nephew is his best friend and favourite human in the world. We’re so thankful to the Happy Paws team and all the work you do for these little furry guys 😊
Pharaoh settled in quickly to his new home, falling in love with his doggie sister almost immediately. He is fairly quiet but loves his zoomies when he’s in the mood. He has recently started snuggling up to his new doggie sister and they often sleep together on the couch. If he wants a pat he sometimes sits in front of you and taps you leg with his paw. He’s such a loving boy.